Term Sheet Wizard
This is a project that we are very passionate about: A (relatively) simple tool that helps Entrepreneurs to better understand the Term Sheets that they receive from Venture Capitalists (VCs). Below, you find the Beta Version of that tool, which focuses on important financial elements such as Dividend Terms, Liquidation Preference, Participation Rights, and Convertibility.
To tool is designed for companies that are about to raise their first round of (external) capital (Series A). To use it, please enter the relevant information in the tabs About, General Terms, Dividend Term, Liquidation Preference, and Conversion . On the tab Report, you then find a summary of the key elements of these deal terms. For your convenience, the template is filled-in with a financing case, so that you can get a first impression of the report before entering your own data. Use at your own risk (and not yet on the Mobile device).
Any feedback and input for additions/modifications is greatly appreciated. For a comprehensive discussion of all relevant deal elements, please refer to our online module "Deal Structuring (Term Sheets)."